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General API

Common configuration

In order to configure the different tools it provides, CLEESE uses toml configuration files. Most sections in these file are specific to certain engines, but here are a few variables shared among all engines:


# output root folder
outPath = "./CLEESE_output_data/"

# number of output files to generate (for random modifications)
numFiles = 10

# generate experiment folder with name based on current time
generateExpFolder = true

# parameter file extension (default: '.txt')
param_ext = '.txt'

Enabling the generateExpFolder option will generate a new folder inside outPath for each subsequent experiment. Whereas if this option is disabled, all experiment results are written directly in outPath.

CLEESE engines store parameter files alongside each stimulus. By default, the name of these files are the same as the corresponding stimulus, with the .txt extention (ex. for PhaseVocoder, file001.wav and the corresponding file001.txt). This extension (and end of the file name) can be changed with the param_ext option (ex. param_ext = '_bpf.txt will store parameter files as e.g. file001_bpf.txt).